16). in supporting telomeric integrity in ALT. Our findings suggest an impact of L1-RNP on telomere stability in ALT+ dependent tumor cells. As L1-RNPs are rarely expressed in normal adult human tissue those elements might serve as a novel target for tumor ablative therapy. and reverse-transcriptase assays AZ31 L1-RNP-specific telomeric RT-assay (t-RTA) was done as previously described with minor Fzd4 changes [60], [61]. For the RT-assay, cell lysates were extracted with CHAPS lyses buffer and RT-assays were performed in a 20?l reaction (2?g protein). As negative control, lysates were treated with RNaseA (100?g/ml) for 20?min at 37?C. t-RTA reaction buffer containing 50?mM Tris-Cl (pH 8.0), 5?mM MgCl2, 50?mM KCl, 10?mM DDT, 0.05% Triton-X100, 2?mg/ml BSA, 2.5?M dNTPs, and with indicated primer (Oligo(T) [16], [21], [22] or sequence as described for AZ31 insertion and elongation assay) at 37?C for 2?h?min followed by RNaseA (100?g/ml) and proteinaseK (50?g/ml) treatment, and heated up to 98?C for 10?min. RTA-reactions were spotted onto Hybond N+ membrane. C-strand or G-strand specificity was visualized by telomeric dot blotting (as described above). Statistical analysis A one-tailed students t-test (for comparison of cell line differential values) or Mann-Whitney tests were used for statistical comparisons where appropriate. A two-sided below 0.05 was considered significant. Statistical analysis was performed with GraphPad Prism software package (Version 4; GraphPad Software, Inc., La Jolla, CA, USA) and SPSS (IBM SPSS Statistics). Error bars represent s.e.m. or s.d., as indicated in the figure legends. All experiments were performed three or more times independently under identical or similar conditions, except when indicated in the figure legends. Results Association AZ31 of L1-RNP-expression and ALT in human tumor In order to investigate a potential correlation of L1-RNP expression and ALT mechanism in human cancer, we compared L1-RNP expression in ALT+/TA? versus TA+ in glioblastoma (GBM), WHO grade IV. This tumor entity is characterized by the occurrence of ALT+ and TA+ tumors allowing comparative studies. AZ31 The ALT+/TA? phenotype in our GBM specimens was characterized by significantly longer telomeres, positive staining for ABPs, the lack of hTERT mRNA expression, and negative TRAP assay compared to the TA+ phenotype (Fig. 1ACC and Supplementary Table). In accordance to the literature the ALT+/TA? revealed a significant reduction of ATRX protein levels as compared to TA+ samples (assay, performed on ALT?+?cell line IIICF/c, indicates L1-RNP (green, L1-antibody) binding to telomeres (red, FITC-TTAGGG-PNA-probe). Cell nuclei are figured by reflected light microscopy. Enlarged image shows co-localization (white arrows). C, Binding of purified L1-RNP- to telomeric DNA. DNA-EMSA, performed with purified L1-RNP-ORF1- and L1-RNP-RT-proteins, indicating binding of L1-RNP-ORF1 to the telomeric C-strand (5-CCCTAA), but not G-strand (5-TTAGGG). Each DNA-EMSA was done for at least three times. D, RNA immunoprecipitation using L1-RNP antibody demonstrating the binding of L1-RNP to TERRA sequence (UUAGGG) but not to complementary RNA sequence (CCCUAA), performed with SaOS-2 cell extracts. GAPDH was used as control. Specific probes are given on the right. n?=?3. E, RNA-EMSA AZ31 assay performed with purified L1-RNPs (L1-ORF1 and L1-RT) indicating binding of L1-ORF1 to the poly(A)+ TERRA sequence, but not poly(A)? TERRA sequence. Each EMSA was done for at least three times. Since ALT+ cells are also known to express high levels of TERRA [24] and since the in ALT+-(SaOS-2 and IIICF/c) but not in TA+-lysates (SW-480 and MG-63). RT-assay followed by dot blot hybridization showing strand specificity. Products, which are produced with TERRA as template, are on the left blot (TTAGGG-probe), for complementary sequence on the right blot (CCCTAA-probe). Heated samples (denatured proteins) were used to determine background signals. Cell.
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