Opioid, ??-


3. Rab7 and Hrs labeling of endocytic compartments in S2 cells. these antibodies provides a useful device package to facilitate the analysis of the way the...

(a) Lymphocytes were isolated as described 1 hr after phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) (gray bars) or CD3Ab (1 g, 1452C11) injection (black bars) and intracellular expression levels of interferon (IFN)- were determined by intracellular staining in total T cells or T cells gated for TCR-+ NK11C CD11ahigh (TCR, T-cell receptor; NK, natural killer)

(a) Lymphocytes were isolated as described 1 hr after phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) (gray bars) or CD3Ab (1 g, 1452C11) injection (black bars) and intracellular expression levels...